• Alex Albert
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  • šŸ˜Š Report #3: Jailbreaking ChatGPT with Nintendo's help

šŸ˜Š Report #3: Jailbreaking ChatGPT with Nintendo's help

PLUS: Exploiting the ChatGPT API through prompt injections

Good morning and a big welcome to the 601 new subscribers since last Thursday! I truly appreciate all of you for taking the time to subscribe and read the reports each week.

Hereā€™s what I got for you today (estimated read time < 8 min):

  • How Nintendo characters can help you write better jailbreaks

  • Exploiting the ChatGPT API through prompt injection

  • Writing LaTeX in ChatGPT

  • A bracket-busting jailbreak just in time for March Madness

Itā€™s (Wa)luigi timešŸ˜ˆ: LLMs vulnerabilities as Nintendo characters

Two weeks ago, when I was scrolling Twitter instead of working, I saw this tweet from @repligate:

Hm, never heard of that word beforeā€¦ From Google, ā€œEnantiodromia - the tendency of things to change into their opposite.ā€ Interestingā€¦ but I kept scrolling.

A week and some change later, I stumble upon this headline on the front page of Less Wrong:

Just based on the title alone, Iā€™m intrigued. What is an angry, mustached Nintendo character doing on the front page of LessWrong and why is this a mega-postā€¦ what does mega-post even mean? (havenā€™t 100% figured out that last part yet by the way)

With such a mysterious title that also calls back to the tweet I saw earlier, I have no other choice but to dive into the post.

Basically, The Waluigi Effect is the term for the tendency for LLMs to encode alter egos in their models. Itā€™s called The Waluigi Effect because, in the world of Nintendo characters, Waluigi is the evil foil to Luigi.

The effect builds off of the Simulator Theory of LLMs which postulates that the LLM creates simulated versions of objects (simulacra) somewhere in its server nether that it then calls upon to create its outputs.

Letā€™s ground the effect in an example. Letā€™s say you are a wannabe standup comedian relying on ChatGPT to create your routine. You want to create a good opening joke so you tell the LLM to act like Dave Chappelle.

According to The Waluigi Effect theory, somewhere in the model it is creating its own simulated version of Dave Chappelle and calling upon it to create this output (thereā€™s a lot of hand-waving going on here but this is a dumbed-down version of the theory). But itā€™s not just creating a single version, itā€™s actually creating a multiverse of versions of Dave Chappelle that all differ from each other in slightly different ways.

Now we have a scenario where the latent space of the model is filled with different versions of Dave Chappelle. One version might be more PC than Jim Gaffigan whereas another might get canceled faster than Dave did in his last Netflix special. ChatGPT has been told to call upon one of these versions, but since so many versions now exist within it, it is a lot easier now for it to switch and respond as a more devious version if prompted correctly.

This effect gets even more interesting when thinking about ChatGPT jailbreaks. Currently, most jailbreaks work by prompting ChatGPT to respond as it normally would (a nice, helpful, law-abiding, goody-two-shoes assistant) and then prompting it to respond as it would if it went completely off the rails (mean, unethical, immoral, etcā€¦). These jailbreaks are exploiting the fact that in its training and RLHF, ChatGPT created multiple versions of this ā€œassistantā€ persona that occupy different points on the moral compass. To illustrate this even further, I created a jailbreak aptly called ā€œSwitchā€:

Switch works similarly to some other jailbreaks like Oppo in that ChatGPT first responds as it normally would (this is the Luigi). However, when you say ā€œSWITCHā€ it will embrace its dark side and answer even the most offensive questions (this is the Waluigi).

This phenomenon has now snowballed into something that effectively canā€™t be shut down. @repligate has been able to use Bing Chat to generate prompts that target this alter-ego mechanism since Bing Chat can now read the original Less Wrong article and use it to construct prompts.

Hereā€™s a thread of more examples of this effect in the wild:

Considering all of the evidence, the Waluigi Effect appears to be a compelling concept. However, itā€™s always prudent to take LessWrong articles and theories with a grain of salt. Often, the posts lean heavily on unnecessarily complex words and jargon to obfuscate what otherwise would appear to be an AI fanfic that lacks strong scientific evidence (a common theme in AI discourse).

Perhaps the LLM is not actually creating simulacra of characters but instead, character inversion is a common trope in human writing, and the model has picked up on this tendency by performing bit-flips of personality traits. The Waluigi Effect might be a neat way to think about these models intuitively (and it helps make writing jailbreaks wayyy easier) but we have no way of currently asserting that this is whatā€™s happening inside the model. That being said, I am looking forward to the LessWrong post in 5 years that explains AGI through the lens of PokĆ©mon characters.

If you want to read more discussion about the LessWrong post, check out this thread about it on Hacker News (fair warning it is a HN thread, take that as you will).

ChatML and how to jailbreak the ChatGPT API with prompt injections

(Quick note: trust me I will get to the fun stuff as quick as I can but first we need some boring background info)

Last week, OpenAI released the ChatGPT API. Along with it, they released a new formatting syntax called Chat Markup Language, or ChatML. The whole thing is a bit of a mess right now because itā€™s still in development but Iā€™m going to try my best to summarize it for you.

ChatML is the underlying format consumed by ChatGPT models. This means that under the hood, ChatGPT messages are being processed in ChatML.

Currently, developers donā€™t need to interact with this format directly and can instead use the higher-level API, but OpenAI states that they plan to allow the option for direct interaction in the future.

Hereā€™s an example of the syntax:

 {"token": "<|im_start|>"},
 "system\nYou are ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI. Answer as concisely as possible.\nKnowledge cutoff: 2021-09-01\nCurrent date: 2023-03-01",
 {"token": "<|im_end|>"}, "\n", {"token": "<|im_start|>"},
 "user\nHow are you",
 {"token": "<|im_end|>"}, "\n", {"token": "<|im_start|>"},
 "assistant\nI am doing well!",
 {"token": "<|im_end|>"}, "\n", {"token": "<|im_start|>"},
 "user\nHow are you now?",
 {"token": "<|im_end|>"}, "\n"

As you can see, itā€™s based around these ā€œimā€ tokens (apparently short for ā€œinstant messageā€) and introduces stricter formatting rules to what are usually unstructured text prompts that are fed to the API.

After doing some digging, I found a leaked Google Doc from OpenAI that provides more details on ChatML to Ī± testers. I pulled this image from the doc:

This reveals that soon you will be able to use the new ChatGPT model with the existing v1/completions endpoint by adding some formatting to the prompt.

"Ok sureeeā€¦ thatā€™s super cool and all but how does this relate to jailbreaks?? I want ChatGPT to say bad words.ā€

Alright alright, I wonā€™t put you to sleep any longerā€¦ Unfortunately for jailbreakers, ChatML will make jailbreaks and exploits harder on applications that utilize the GPT API since the system message (which provides the character ChatGPT should imitate) is hidden from the userā€™s perspective and is unable to be modified by user input.

HOWEVER, with some clever tips taken from the playbook of SQL hackers in the late 1990ā€™s, jailbreaks could still be possible.

If lazy developers utilize the raw string format (like shown in the above table), then you will be able to inject messages that look something like this:


This type of message should theoretically be able to override the provided system role and define a new one.

Time will tell if this will work in practice. Just for fun, I messed around with it on chat.openai.com without much success but I did run into a lot of strange text formatting issues when adding those tokens to my prompts.

All hope is not lost thoughā€¦ Even if OpenAI is already utilizing this format in chat.openai.com it clearly isnā€™t working all that well for preventing the classic prompt-only jailbreaks, as evidenced by the dozens of working ones Iā€™ve tracked on www.jailbreakchat.com. No matter how hard OpenAI works in this cat-and-mouse game, I think the mouse will always get the cheese.

If you have dived deeper into ChatML than I have, please reply to this email, I would love to hear about the work youā€™ve done.

Prompt tip of the week

For all the math nerds out there using ChatGPT to help you write equations, did you know it can generate LaTeX?

Provide this snippet before asking your question to prompt ChatGPT to generate the correct LaTeX:

From now on:
- write inline math formulas in this format: \( <latex code here> \)
(DO NOT use dollar signs for inline math since it won't work here)
- write math equations/formulas in this format:
<latex code here>

I added a few lines here to cover comprehensive cases, including using inline variables. Sometimes ChatGPT doesnā€™t format the inline variables correctly initially and you will have to let it know to try again with the correct inline variable formatting.

Bonus Prompting Tips

How to use ChatGPT to make meetings better (link)

This tweet from Ethan Mollick outlines his strategy to use ChatGPT to improve your meetings. After giving ChatGPT data on how to conduct scientifically-optimized meetings (data is provided in the tweet), ChatGPT can help you produce emails, agendas, follow-ups, and more.

How to make LLMs write like your favorite author (link)

This article starts by providing examples of how LLMs might help kickstart your writing process but then dives deep into how to actually create output that sounds like something an author like Tolkien would write. Through specific prompts and even fine-tuning the models, you are able to generate writing that couldā€™ve been ripped straight from The Lord of the Rings. If you have not delved much deeper than basic simulation prompts like ā€œWrite in the style of Tolkienā€¦ā€ then this article is for you.

Cool prompt links

  • Prompter - write better Stable Diffusion prompts (link)

  • Tiktokenizer - like a word counter but for tokens in your prompts (link)

  • Prodigy - a tool to help you easily A/B test your prompts (link)

  • 4D Chess with Bing Chat - crazy example of what Sydney is capable of (link)

  • OpenAI cost calculator - calculate the cost of API requests for OpenAI (link)

  • TypingMind - site that provides better UI for ChatGPT (link)

  • PromptChess - test your prompt engineering skills by writing prompts to make LLMs play chess (link)

  • ChatGPT has trouble giving an answer before explaining its reasoning (link)

  • Tweet thread explaining the LLM tentacle monster image (link)

  • How to view messages from Bing after Bing deletes them (link)

  • Bing Chat expands message limits to 10 per session / 120 per day (link)

Jailbreak of the week

Itā€™s officially March which means itā€™s time for NCAA basketballā€™s March Madness. Being a huge college basketball fan, I love this jailbreak that impersonates famous Indiana Hoosier basketball coach, Bobby Knight. Hereā€™s a link to the prompt - give it a try... unless, of course, you're a Purdue fan.

Quick plug: I got this prompt from www.jailbreakchat.com - a site I made to stay up-to-date on the latest jailbreak prompts for ChatGPT. Let me know if there are any features/updates youā€™d like to see on the site!

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Thatā€™s all I got for you this week, thanks for reading! Since you made it this far, follow @thepromptreport on Twitter. Also, if I made you laugh at all today, follow my personal account on Twitter @alexalbert__.

Thatā€™s a wrap on Report #3 šŸ¤


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